We have planned various projects for 2019.
Since the living space on the small island has become very limited and unaffordable for volunteers/volunteers/students, we plan to procure 2 residential containers, also a container for medical purposes, such as castrations etc., is in Planning. Furthermore, another donkey stall is to be purchased, as the number of donkeys and mules is constantly increasing. The next transport is to take place in the first week of October, of course, fodder and donations in kind will also go on the journey, which have been received by then.
Due to the current situation in the shelter on Santorini., See also blog „bad weather“, the entire project can not be fully implemented. The storm has affected the shelter so much that first the damage has to be remedied and preventive work has to be carried out. At the beginning of October there will be a meeting with experts on the spot, i.a. also with the board of the animal protection association Santorini e.V. from Mainz to advise on the structural measures and also to plan by. At the moment it is not possible for us to build sufficient foundations in the animal shelter, as we run the risk of being washed away by the next storm. For this reason we will leave for Santorini with a truck on 28.09.2019. In the luggage we have u.a. 2 residential or medical containers, medical aids, food and various other things that are urgently needed on site. One of the two containers has now been delivered to us (the smaller one) and is in our storage room, the second we expect at the end of August.
The transport for the third container and also another donkey barn is planned for early / mid-2020. Thanks again for your support!